A keyhole operation to correct painful flat feet. An internal orthotic.
For many years we have been performing major operations to correct flat foot. This generally involves joint fusions, tendon transfers and lengthening of the Achilles tendon.
Joint fusions for flat foot correction.
The hyprocure represents a very significant breakthrough in the management of this common, disabling condition. Through a keyhole incision we are able to place a small grommet in the joint below the ankle which prevents excessive flattening of the foot without damaging the joint.
The hyprocure implant for flat foot:
The grommet was developed by Dr Michael Graham of Chicago who has used the device and carefully followed over 2000 patients who have undergone the operation.
What sort of foot problems can be helped by the hyprocure operation:
Aching tired flat feet characterised by a dropped arch and inrolling of the foot. If you have tried orthotic insoles and they either do not help or you cannot get them in your shoes the hyprocure will act like an internal orthotic placed within your foot which will achieve all that an orthotic aims to do in relieving pain and improving the posture of your foot.
The sort of flat foot that can be helped by the hyprocure
The operation
Under local anaesthetic or light general anaesthetic we make a 2cm incision just below your ankle bone and puncture a small hole into the sub talar or lower ankle joint. This joint normally provides all the side to side movement of the foot. We then use a range of sizers to establish which size of grommet will perfectly re-align your foot. Once this has been established the hyprocure grommet is introduced under completely sterile conditions. The skin is stitched with dissolvable sutures and the wound dressed with a bandage. It is important to rest a good deal for the first 2 weeks to allow the body’s normal soft tissue to heal around the grommet to secure it in place. After 2 weeks we want you to get mobilising again. You will find work difficult for 3 to 4 weeks and running sport will not be possible for about 8 weeks.
Is this a cure for all flat feet.
No this operation will not be suitable for all flat feet. If your feet are stiff and arthritic or if you are very overweight, the hyprocure will not correct your feet adequately. Sometimes it also necessary to perform additional operations but we will advise you about this after assessing and taking xrays of your foot.
What can go wrong?
The hyprocure grommet can fail to correct the position of your foot. Sometimes the grommet causes pain within the lower ankle joint or gets extruded out of the ankle. This can happen if you do too much too soon or if your Achilles tendon is very tight prior to the operation.
If things do go wrong the grommet can be removed through the same keyhole incision and it is then possible to perform any of the traditional surgical operations for flat foot correction.
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