Kilmartin TE |
Hallux valgus and related problems of the forefoot.
CPD supplement. Podiatry Now2015. 18 (6): 1-11 |
Bristow I, Kilmartin T |
A case of irritant contact dermatitis of the feet in a teenager.
Dermatological Nursing. 2015 14(4): 49-52 |
Kannegieter E, Kilmartin TE |
Tibial sesamoid planing for plantar corns of the first MTP joint.
Podiatry Now 2016 19, (3): 13-17 |
Kilmartin TE |
Leading members of the profession: Dr Tim Kilmartin.
Podiatry Now 2016 19 (4): 29-31 |
Kilmartin TE |
Independent prescribing and the management of osteomyelitis.
CPD supplement.
Podiatry Now. 2016 19 (5): 1-10 |
Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C |
Correction of valgus second
toe by closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx.
Foot & Ankle Int. 2007 28 (12) 1260-1264. |
C, Kilmartin TE.
Orthopaedic surgery and podiatric
surgery: Will you get the same operation?
Podiatry Now 2007 10 (8) 24-26
S, Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C |
A retrospective audit on the role
of sonographical interpretation and locatisation of intermetatarsal
neuroma in the surgical management of Morton’s neuroma.
Br. J. Podiatry 2007. 10: 99-104 |
C, Kilmartin TE |
Review of Amputation of the
second toe in the presence of asymptomatic Hallux Valgus for
the treatment of hammer or cross over second toes
Br. J. Podiatry 2006; 9: 120-123 |
C, Kilmartin TE |
A review of 100 2nd toe Proximal
interphalangeal joint arthroplasties.
Foot Ankle Int.2005. 26 (4):320-325 |
C, Kilmartin TE |
The surgical management of central
Foot Ankle Int. 2002. 23:415-419 |
C, Kilmartin T |
The rotation scarf and Akin
osteotomy for the correction of severe hallux valgus.
The Foot. 2002. 12:203-212 |
C, Kilmartin TE.
The use of antimicrobials
in podiatric practice
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4:8-14 |
1. Kilmartin TE. Bishop
A |
Hallux abductus measurement. Repeatability trials
of a clinical measuring instrument
The Chiropodist 1988; 43:185-187 |
2. Kilmartin TE
Medial genicular rotation: Aetiology
and management
The Chiropodist 1988; 43:181-184
3. Kilmartin TE. Winstanley
Orthotic answers
Today’s Runner 1989;October: 26-27
4. Kilmartin TE
A model for foot health screening.
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 1990; 2:8-10
5. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
Predicting hallux abducto valgus
J.Am. Podiatric Medical Assoc. 1990;9:509-510
6. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
Meausurement of in-shoe orthotic
effect on flat foot function
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1990;72B:946
7. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
Podiatric screening for abnormailities
predisposing to juvenile foot deformities. An inter –observer
error trial of clinical diagnosis.
The Chiropodist 1990; 45:205-207
8. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
WA, Hill TW
Measurement of functional orthotic
effect on metatarsophalangeal joint extension
J.Am Podiatric Medical Assoc. 1991:81:414-417
9. Kilmartin TE
The flat foot child
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991; 46:67-70
10. Kilmartin TE
The intoeing child
J.British Podiatric Medicine 1991: 46:229-232
11. Kilmartin TE.
Metatarsus Adductus
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991; 46:229-232
12. Kilmartin TE.
‘But you haven’t proved
that orthoses work’
Search News 1991;12:8-11
13. Kilmartin TE, Barrington
RL, Wallace WA.
Metatarsus primus varus –
A statistical study
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1991; 73B:937-940
14. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
First metatarsal head shape in
juvenile hallux abducto valgus.
J. Foot Surgery 1991;30:506-508
15. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
WA, Hill TW.
First metatarsal position in juvenile
hallux abducto valgus – a significant clinical measurement?
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991;46:43-45
16. Kilmartin TE, Tollafield
DR, JonesL.
Clinical clerking for Podiatrists
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1991; 3:2-5
17. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
The significance of pes planus
in juvenile hallux valgus
Foot & Ankle 1992; 13:53-56
18. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
Update on hallux valgus surgery.
A review of results in the recent literature
The Foot 1992; 2:123-124
19. Kilmartin TE, Barrington
RL, Wallace WA
The x-ray measurement of hallux
valgus. An inter and intra-observer error study.
The Foot 1992; 2:7-11 |
20. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
The immediate corrective effect
of orthoses on juvenile hallux valgus
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 1992; 4:2-4 |
21. Kilmartin TE, Tollafield
DR, Prior TD
Angioleiomyoma. A case report of
a rare benign tumour of the foot.
Be. J. Podiatric Med. Surgery 1993; 6:27-29
22. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
The aetiology of hallux valgus
– a critical review of the literature.
The Foot 1993; 3:156-162 |
23. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
The scientific basis for the use
of functional foot orthoses in the treatment of lower limb sports
injuries. A review of the literature.
Br. J. Sports Medicine 1994; 28:180-184
24. Kilmartin TE, Barrington
RL, Wallace WA
A controlled prospective trial
of a foot orthosis in the treatment of juvenile hallux valgus.
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1994: 76B:210-214 |
25. Hood IS, Kilmartin
TE, Tollafield DR
The effect of Podiatric day case
surgery on the need for NHS chiropody treatment.
The Foot 1994; 4:155-158 |
26. Kilmartin TE, Wallace
The effect of a pronation and supination
orthosis on Morton’s neuroma and lower limb function.
Foot Ankle Int. 1994; 15:256-262 |
27. Spooner SK, Kilmartin
TE, Merriman LM
The palpation technique for determination
of metatarsal formula: a study of validity
The Foot 1994; 4:198-200 |
28. Spooner SK, Kilmartin
TE, Merriman LM
The pathological anatomy of hallux
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1995; 7:35-40
29. Tollafield DR, Kilmartin
TE, Holdcroft DJ
Measurement of ankle cuff discomfort
in un-sedated patients undergoing day case foot surgery
Ambulatory Surgery 1995; 3:91-96
30. Kilmartin TE
Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1995: 7:54-55
31. Kilmartin TE
Distal lesser metatarsal osteotomies:
a review of surgical techniques designed to avoid non-union
and minimise transfer metatarsalgia.
The Foot 1998 8:186-192 |
32. Kilmartin TE
Tension night splints for the treatment
of recalcitrant heel pain
Br. J. Podiatry 1999: 2:17-20
33. Kilmartin TE
Podiatric Surgery in a Community
Trust. A review of activity, surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction
over a 27 month period.
Podiatry Now. September 2000; 3:9 , 350-354
34. Wilkinson AN, Kilmartin
A review of minimal incision plantar
fasciotomy in the treatment of heel pain
Br. J. Podiatry 2000: 3:76-80
35. Kilmartin TE
Metatarsal osteotomy for hallux
rigidus. An outcome study of three different osteotomy techniques
compared with Keller’s excisional arthroplasty.
Br. J. Podiatry 2000; 3:95-101
36. Kilmartin TE, McInnes
B, Wilkinson DJ
Perioperative considerations for
the podiatric patient with cardiovascular disease.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4: 20-24
37. Kilmartin TE. O’Kane
The use of antimicrobials in podiatric
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4:8-14
38. Kilmartin TE, Bewick
An audit of Ibuprofen and codydramol
in the control of post op pain following day case foot surgery.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001. 4:124-127
39. Kilmartin TE
Fusion of the metatarso-cuneiform
joints in the treatment of mid-foot osteoarthrosis.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001. 4:144-149
40. O’Kane C, Kilmartin
The surgical management of central
Foot Ankle Int. 2002. 23:415-419 |
41. Kilmartin TE
Podiatric Surgery in a Community
Trust. A review of activity, surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction
over a 4 year period
The Foot. 2002. 11:218-227 |
42. Kilmartin TE
Revision of failed foot surgery
J. Foot Ankle Surgery 2002. 41:309-315 |
43. O’Kane C, Kilmartin
The rotation scarf and Akin osteotomy
for the correction of severe hallux valgus.
The Foot. 2002. 12:203-212 |
44. Bewick P, Kilmartin
The fifth metatarsal rotational
osteotomy for the correction of tailor’s bunion deformity
The Foot 13 2003. 190-195 |
45. Kilmartin TE, Flintham
A new method for measuring the
influence of metatarsus adductus in the treatment of hallux
J. Foot Ankle Surgery 2003. 42:165-166 |
46. O’Kane C, Kilmartin
A review of 100 2nd toe Proximal
interphalangeal joint arthroplasties.
Foot Ankle Int.2005. 26 (4):320-325 |
47. Kilmartin TE
Phalangeal osteotomy versus first
metatarsal osteotomy for the treatment of hallux rigidus.
J Foot Ankle Surgery .2005. 44(1):2-12 |
48. Gibbard K, Kilmartin
Podiatric Surgery and the rheumatoid
patient: Implications of drug therapy in the perioperative period.
Podiatry Now 2003. 6: 6-12
49. Gibbard KW, Kilmartin
The Weil osteotomy for the treatment
of painful plantar keratoses.
The Foot. 2003. 13:199-203 |
50. Finney SJ, Kilmartin
TE. Flintham C.
The modified Schwartz procedure
in the management of intractable plantar keratoses: a retrospective
The Foot 2003. 13:108-111. |
51. Kilmartin TE, Potter
MJ, Prior TD
Fellowships in podiatric surgery
and podiatric medicine: The new system
Podiatry Now. 2004. 7:17-19
52. Boon G, Prior TD, Kilmartin
Osteochondroma – A review
of the literature and two case study presentations.
Br J. Podiatry 2004; 7: 32-35
53. MacFarlane AJH, Kilmartin
Conservative treatment of juvenile
hallux valgus – A seven year prospective study
Br. J. Podiatry 2004; 7:101-105
54. Kilmartin TE
Critical Review: The surgical management
of Hallux valgus
B.J Podiatry 2006. 9 (1):4-25
55. Kilmartin TE
Objective Assessment of Professional
Skills Test: The passport to surgical training.
Podiatry Now 2006 9(5) 16-17
56. Money WL. Kilmartin
A complication of internal fixation
– a case report
Br. J. Podiatry 2007 10 (1) 4-7
57. O’Kane C, Kilmartin
Orthopaedic surgery and podiatric
surgery: Will you get the same operation?
Podiatry Now 2007 10 (8) 24-26
58. Hewitt SM. Kilmartin
TE. O’Kane C
A retrospective audit of the role
of sonographical interpretation and localisation of intermetatarsal
neuroma in the surgical management of Morton’s neuroma
Br J. Podiatry 2007 10 (3):99-103
60. Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C |
Correction of valgus second toe by closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx
Foot & Ankle Int. 2007 28 (12) 1260-1264 |
61. Isaac A. Gwilym SE. Reilly IN. Kilmartin TE. Ribbans WJ |
Interprofessional relationships between Orthopaedic and Podiatric Surgeons in the UK. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2008. 90:8, 663-670 |
62. Kilmartin TE. O’Kane C. |
Fusion of the second metatarsocuneiform joint for the treatment of painful osteoarthrosis. Foot Ankle Int. 2008. 29 (11) 1079-1087 |
63. Larholt J. Kilmartin TE |
Rotational scarf and Akin osteotomy for correction of hallux valgus associated with metatarsus adductus. Foot Ankle Int. 2010. 31;3: 220-228 |
64. Kilmartin TE O’Kane C |
Combined rotation scarf Akin osteotomies for hallux valgus; a patient focussed 9 year follow up of 50 patients
J. Foot Ankle Research 2010, 3:2. |
65. Maher AJ. Kilmartin TE |
Scarf osteotomy for correction of Tailor’s bunion: Mid to long term follow up with a rotation scarf osteotomy.
Foot Ankle Int. 2010. 31;8:676-682 |
66. Maher AJ. Kilmartin TE |
Patient reported outcomes: a new direction for Podiatric Surgery
Podiatry Now 2010; 13(10) 36-38 |
67. Milnes H. Kilmartin TE. Dunlop G. |
A pilot study to explore if the age that women undergo hallux valgus surgery influences the post operative range of motion and level of satisfaction.
The Foot 2010; 20: 109-113 |
68. Maher AJ, Kilmartin TE |
Patient reported outcomes following combined rotation scarf and Akin’s osteotomies in 71 consecutive cases.
The Foot 2011;21:37-44 |
69. Kannegieter E. Kilmartin TE |
The combined reverse scarf and opening wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx for the treatment of iatrogenic hallux varus
The Foot. 2011. 21:88-91 |
70. Coutts A. Kilmartin TE |
The long term patient focused outcomes of the Keller’s arthroplasty for the treatment of hallux rigidus.
The Foot. 2012. 22:167-171 |