When Foot Surgery Goes Wrong
The following photos are examples of foot surgery which has been poorly performed, along with the outcome of the revision surgery to put it right.
It is NOT INTENDED to frighten you but show there is a way out and a solution if foot surgery has gone wrong.
Prior to surgery this foot was markedly deformed but after surgery did not look much better.
Clinically the result was very poor but after revision surgery by Tim Kilmartin everything was restored to normal position
This 50 year old lady developed severe deviation of her small toes and also a lot of pain under the ball of her foot following an operation in the arch of her foot. This operation straightened the small toes, shortened the big toe and lifted the bones on the ball of the foot to reduce the weight taken on that area:
This lady has previously undergone surgery to her big toe and 3rd toe for the treatment of a bunion deformity and a hammer toe. The bunion deformity relapsed and the 3rd toe was left short and floating above the ground. Revision surgery achieved good correction and a normal looking foot.
After repeated attempts to correct her bunion this lady was referred to Foot Surgery Services after undergoing an amputation. This is a completely avoidable complication

Here an operation has been performed to correct a bunion deformity. The bone has not healed but the big toe joint is now much shorter which has moved the pressure onto the smaller joints in the ball of the foot. Revision surgery sought to reduce that overload by shortening the bones in line with the big toe knuckle joint.
This lady has a very poor result from bunion surgery. The bunion has recurred but the weight distribution has been radically changed. The bunion has to be corrected again but also it proved necessary to shorten the other knuckle bones and correct the position of the little toe knuckle joint to reduce the width of her foot.